these girls were the kind of girls who always believed in unicorns, they believed in the power of love and dreams. they were the kind of girls who gazed out of windows at bigger worlds, and rain made them think of faeries and treehouses. in the the summer they read jane austen and listened to fleetwood mac while sipping cold tomato juice


the flea's knees

Field Trip to the Alameda Flea Market
Not Pictured: Hot Mess Game Time After Party otherwise known as the Superbowl

We decided to kick off the club off right by caravaning to the Alameda Flea Market that takes place the first Sunday of every month at the former Alameda Point Naval Air Station, for inspiration and supplies! For the majority of us this was our first Sunday Funday in Alameda and it was overwhelmingly beautiful. With over 800 outdoor dealers the possible gem findings were endless. 

The deal with this flea market is you either get their super early (6am steez) where admission (yes its that serious that there's an admission) is $15 and you have your first hand pick with antique sellers and buyers alike. Or you can get there later, pay less admission, some things may be picked through, but you can also baragin for deals. We decided to get there somewhere in between and although riding 12 crew deep meant a lot of "what aisle you in" texts we all were able to walk home with something special.

This guy was selling beautiful corkboards made out of vintage frames and potato sack burlap. But they were also $250 aka this is now on my possible soon to be new room DIY project:

 We found 70s hippie GEMS like this:

Or if your Mama Anne then you find DIY fix me ups like this (stay tuned for the before and after):

Prom Dresses:

Recycled old tires turn pot planters:

Vintage Bunnies (side note did you know every Playboy Magazine has a hidden bunny icon?):

I also found the Vintage Eye Glass Booth!! But ended up getting some Dr.Dean Edell (ha!) shades


Fran found the Fresh Corn

Rachel added another sick braclet to her collection

Not sure if Zey purchased this one:


Or if Sabah took her home

But I wish Moni took this guy home

And when we found funnel cakes and it was all over

 Jill also found an amazing bedside trunk. The weather was beautiful. None of us wanted to leave and we are all anticipating our next trip. Thank you alameda we'll be back. real soon.


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