Welcome to the Club RIDER D.I.Y.
A collective of fabulous ladies in San Francisco who are killing it and blessed to have ride or dies in their lives. At the end of 2009 during that time where we all tend to reevaluate the accomplishments on our amazing life we don’t quite yet have, I realized more than ever, how many down ass females I was surrounded by. Taking trips, rallying up for a concert or the fair, planning and promoting parties, cooking for dinner parties, brunching, talking a whole lotta shit...we ALL have hella fun together and its all in hopes to domesticate together for the golden girl years to come.
A collective of fabulous ladies in San Francisco who are killing it and blessed to have ride or dies in their lives. At the end of 2009 during that time where we all tend to reevaluate the accomplishments on our amazing life we don’t quite yet have, I realized more than ever, how many down ass females I was surrounded by. Taking trips, rallying up for a concert or the fair, planning and promoting parties, cooking for dinner parties, brunching, talking a whole lotta shit...we ALL have hella fun together and its all in hopes to domesticate together for the golden girl years to come.
We have become more than the a just group of friends who go out together, and I thought to myself, we need to create a club! Think girl scouts meets biker club! A club geared to support, teach, and inspire us to continue to rise up together as we all succeed through this so called life. We needed a platform or a "clubhouse" where our talents, skills and friendships could make us stronger: THE RIDER DIY CLUB
And so, this blog will highlight our events, workshops, crafts, rider profiles, our inspirations, other DIY'rs and well US.
Who knows, eventually this club could inspire women in general who are killing it to host different DIY nights and clubs all over the place.
"yeah we can be a hot mess. but god damn we the best."